Logo OfficeClip Web Services
Schema: Contact

Name Type Comment
sidstringThe serial id of this service type
isLockbooleanDetermines if the column can be edited
tagstringUsed by OfficeClip to pass specific information
contactIdintThe unique id of the contact in the OfficeClip database
orgIdintThe unique id of the organization in the OfficeClip database where the contact belongs
firstNamestringThe first name of the contact
lastNamestringThe last name of the contact
salutationstringThe salutation of the contact
titlestringThe title of the contact
companyNamestringThe company name of the contact
workPhonestringThe work phone number for the contact
departmentstringThe detaprtment where the contact works
reportsTostringThe name of the person or position who this contact reports to
emailAddressstringThe email address for the contact
emailOptOutbooleanShows whether the contact has desired to be opted out from the email
mobilePhonestringThe mobile phone number of the contact
alternateWorkPhonestringThe alternate work phone number for the contact
faxstringThe fax number of the contact
homePhonestringThe home phone number for the contact
currencyTypestringThe currency type for the contact e.g. dollars, pounds etc.
birthDatedateTimeThe birth date for the contact
assistantNamestringThe name of the assistant of the contact
assistantPhonestringThe phone number of the assistant of the contact
address1stringThe first line of the primary street address of the contact
otherAddress1stringThe first line of the other street address of the contact
address2stringThe second line of the primary street address of the contact
otherAddress2stringThe second line of the other street address of the contact
citystringthe primary city of the contact
otherCitystringThe other city of the contact
statestringThe primary state of the contact
otherStatestringThe other state of the contact
zipstringThe primary zip code for the contact
otherZipstringThe other zip code for the contact
countrystringThe primary country for the contact
otherCountrystringThe other country for the contact
contactSourcestringThe source of the contact e.g. trade shows, cafe etc.
descriptionstringThe description for the contact
createdUserstringThe name of the user that created the contact
createdDatedateTimeThe created date for the contact
modifiedUserstringThe name of the user that modified the contact
modifiedDatedateTimeThe modified date for the contact
ownerstringThe name of the user who is assigned the current contact
udf1stringThe first user defined field
udf2stringThe second user defined field
udf3stringThe third user defined field
udf4stringThe fourth user defined field
udf5stringThe fifth user defined field
udf6stringThe sixth user defined field
udf7stringThe seventh user defined field
udf8stringThe eighth user defined field
udf9stringThe nineth user defined field
udf10stringThe tenth user defined field