Logo OfficeClip Web Services
Schema: ExpenseDetail

Name Type Comment
sidstringThe serial id of this service type
isLockbooleanDetermines if the column can be edited
tagstringUsed by OfficeClip to pass specific information
expenseDetailIdintThe unique id of the Expense detail
expenseSidstringThe sid of the Expense connected to the detail
paymentMethodIdintThe payment method of the Expense detail, 1=Personal check/cash, 2=Personal credit Card, 3=Company Credit Card
projectSidstringThe sid of the project connected to the detail
accountSidstringThe sid of the account connected to the detail
expenseNamestringThe expense name of the Expense detail
expenseDatedateTimeThe expense date of the expense detail
amountdoubleThe amount of the Expense detail
taxdoubleThe tax of the Expense detail
descriptionstringThe description of the Expense detail
expenseTypeSidstringThe sid of the Expense type
expenseTypeIdintThe id of the Expense type
createdUserSidstringThe name of the user that created the contact
createdDatedateTimeThe created date for the contact
modifiedUserSidstringThe name of the user that modified the contact
modifiedDatedateTimeThe modified date for the contact
isBillablebooleanShows if the Expense detail is billable
airTravelDepartureAirportstringAirTravel: Departure Airport - Valid only if the expense type is air travel
airTravelArrivalAirportstringAirfare: Arrival Airport - Valid only if the expense type is air travel
airTravelDepartureDatedateTimeAirfare: Departure Date - Valid only if the expense type is air travel
airTravelArrivalDatedateTimeAirfare: Arrival Date - Valid only if the expense type is air travel
autoRentalAgencystringAuto Rental: Agency Name- Valid only if the expense type is auto rental
autoRentalCitystringAuto Rental: City- Valid only if the expense type is auto rental
autoFromDatedateTimeAuto Rental: From Date - Valid only if the expense type is auto rental
autoToDatedateTimeAuto Rental: To Date - Valid only if the expense type is auto rental
hotelNamestringHotel: Name - Valid only if the expense type is hotel
hotelCitystringHotel: City - Valid only if the expense type is hotel
hotelFromDatedateTimeHotel: From Date - Valid only if the expense type is hotel
hotelToDatedateTimeHotel: To Date - Valid only if the expense type is hotel
taxiCitystringTaxi: City - Valid only if the expense type is taxi
taxiLineNamestringTaxi: Line Name - Valid only if the expense type is taxi
telephoneCitystringTelephone: City - Valid only if the expense type is telephone
telephonePhoneNumberstringTelephone: Phone Number - Valid only if the expense type is telephone