Logo OfficeClip Web Services
Schema: Task

Name Type Comment
sidstringThe serial id of this service type
isLockbooleanDetermines if the column can be edited
tagstringUsed by OfficeClip to pass specific information
taskIdintThe unique id of the task in the OfficeClip database
taskOwnerSidstringThe sid of the owner of the task. Usually this is the creator id unless the task is assigned to a person. In that case it will be the assigned person id
taskOwnerNamestringThe name of the owner of the task. Usually this is the creator id unless the task is assigned to a person. In that case it will be the assigned person name
taskTypeIdintThe type of the task, valid values are None=0, Telephone=1, ToDo=2, Email=3, Other=4
taskTypeNamestringThe name of the task Type
taskStatusIdintThe status of the task, valid values are None=0, In Progress=1, Completed=2, Pending=3, Waiting=4, Other=5
taskStatusNamestringThe name of the task Type
taskPriorityIdintThe priority of the task, valid values are None=0, High=1, Medium=2, Low=3, Other=4
taskPriorityNamestringThe name of the task priority
dueDatedateTimeThe date time when the task is due
startDatedateTimeThe date time when the task starts
completionDatedateTimeThe date time when the task completes
percentCompletedoubleRepresents what percentage of task is completed
estimatedDurationintThe estimated duration of the task in minutes
actualDurationintThe actual duration of the task in minutes
repeatTextInfostringThe text of the repeat information if the task repeats
isReminderSelectedbooleanShows if the reminder is selected for the task
whoToRemindstringThe string representation of who needs to be reminded
remindAtDateTimedateTimeThe date and time when the reminder should occur.
isPrivatebooleanRepresents if the task is a private task (not shown to anybody else)
subjectstringThe subject of the task
descriptionstringThe description of the task
createdByUserNamestringThe name of the user who created the task
createdByUserSidstringThe sid of the user who created the task
createdByTimestampdateTimeThe timestamp of the user who created the task
modifiedByUserNamestringThe name of the user who modified the event
modifiedByUserSidstringThe sid of the user who last modified the task
modifiedByTimestampdateTimeThe timestamp of the user who last modified the task
parentObjectServiceTypeintThe service type of the parent object, -1 if not parent object exist
parentObjectSidstringThe sid of the parent object
regardingstringwhat the event is regarding. This is a read only field. Attempting to set this value to anything other than null or empty string will trigger an exception
taskAssignmentsstringPeople who the task is assigned to. Valid format is: name1(emailAddress1), name2(emailAddress2)... etc.