Import and Export

Import/Export allows you to exchange OfficeClip Issue Tracker information with other file formats. Import files in CSV format and there are two ways to export files from OfficeClip: CSV and XML. Various types of import and export tasks in OfficeClip Issue Tracker are explained below.

issuetracker import export

Importing Issues from a CSV file

Importing a CSV file into a binder requires certain fields be mapped to ensure correct import of data from your CSV file. The fields in the CSV file will be listed in one column, alongside another column for the OfficeClip database fields. You can map the fields appropriately by choosing the field that most closely matches the information in your file.

  1. Click Issues on the toolbar.

  2. Click on a binder name to go to the Issue List screen.

  3. Click the Import/Export link and then click on CSV within the Import Issues box.

  4. Select Choose File to find the file and then click Import. Map the CSV file to match as closely as possible the field in the OfficeClip database.

  5. Click Import when you are finished mapping. Press the OK button to be taken back to the main Binder List. From here, you can select your binder and see the newly imported issues.

Exporting Issues to XML

This enables you to export issues from OfficeClip to an XML file.

  1. Click Issues on the toolbar.

  2. Click on a binder name to go to the Issue List screen.

  3. Click the Import/Export link and then click on XML within the Export Issues box.

  4. Click the Export button. The issues will be exported into an XML file.

  5. Press Cancel to return to the main Import/Export screen.

Exporting Issues to CSV file

This feature enables the user to export issues from OfficeClip into a CSV file.

  1. Click Issues on the toolbar.

  2. Click on a binder name to go to the Issue List screen.

  3. Click the Import/Export link and then click on CSV within the Export Issues box.

  4. To export issues to a CSV file, choose either the current binder or All the binders belonging to the organization in which you are a user and click Export.

    issuetracker export

  5. The next screen allows you to select which fields from the OfficeClip issues you want to have in your new CSV file; you may even rename them in the CSV file if you wish. You can also move the fields with the up and down arrows, which affects the order in which the fields display in the first row of the CSV file.

  6. Click Export when finished
  7. Click Open or Save in the dialogue box to view the exported issues in the CSV file.