How To Select a Contact Manager For Small Business

contact information

Reading Time: 7 minutes A Contact Manager is a software program that enables businesses to store and fetch information related to their customers, suppliers, channel partners, and vendors.  Previously, without any technology, businesses could not store all the detailed … Read more

Permission-based Email Marketing


Reading Time: 3 minutes What is Permission-based email marketing? It means getting permission before adding contacts to an email list. It is the act of getting consent from a subscriber to send them email marketing campaigns. Businesses that get … Read more

Checklist for Finding a Good Freelancer

Reading Time: 4 minutes   To efficiently run a business, I have often used freelancers to provide quality work at affordable pricing. Based on my experience I have written this article with the hope it will help my fellow small … Read more

How to Improve Customer Retention

Reading Time: 2 minutes What is Customer Retention? Customer Retention is the ability of an organization or business to retain customers by providing them good services, managing the quality of the products sold, and quickly satisfy customer issues. Company … Read more