How to use tags effectively in Contact Manager

Reading Time: < 1 minute In any CRM, Tags allows free form categorization of contacts, customers and other entities. Usually contacts are often categorized using lists with fixed values. These are sometimes restrictive because they do not allow normal users … Read more

OfficeClip Release 10.3

Reading Time: 3 minutes Welcome to the major release of OfficeClip. In this release we have made many enhancements and closed numerous issues. Some important enhancements are shown below: See full release notes here Site Wide Enhancements Many New … Read more

OfficeClip Products Now Offered on AWS Marketplace

Reading Time: 2 minutes Starting today the OfficeClip suite, consisting of the Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) and HR Management module, will be available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) in AWS Marketplace with hourly and yearly subscriptions. OfficeClip Suite provides … Read more

How can you manage multiple companies using OfficeClip

Reading Time: < 1 minute In OfficeClip you can setup each of your companies as organization. Each organization is a separate entity and has it’s own information (like contacts, accounts, invoices, timesheet, expenses, users etc.) When you setup an OfficeClip … Read more

OfficeClip Release 10.2.16

Reading Time: < 1 minute We are pleased to let you know that a new version of OfficeClip (10.2.16) has been released. This release fixes many bugs, some which are: In some cases entering alphanumeric characters in the custom numeric … Read more

How to set Contact Manager permission

Reading Time: < 1 minute OfficeClip Contact Manager has ability to set privileges and access permission using rules.  To run your business effectively you may require different permissions for different users types. For example, one company may require everybody in … Read more

How to create a staging server for OfficeClip

Reading Time: 3 minutes Staging servers are needed when you do not want to put a new release directly into the production environment. You may want to make sure if some new feature needs some training, or your team … Read more

Use notes to share your ideas in OfficeClip

Reading Time: < 1 minute You can use OfficeClip to share your ideas and notes with your colleagues. In OfficeClip Contact Manager, click on the Notes application from the left application bar. A list of notes is shown. From here … Read more

How to Sync with Outlook

Reading Time: < 1 minute We are pleased to announce the new Outlook Addin (version 1.7.12)  for OfficeClip. The current add-in supports Outlook version 2007, 2010 and 2013. The add-in syncs your OfficeClip Contacts (with all associated notes), tasks and … Read more

New changes to the OfficeClip Issue Tracker

Reading Time: 2 minutes OfficeClip Issue Tracker software is used by many organizations to keep track of their software issues, bugs and cusotomer support requests. In a recent release of OfficeClip we have made changes to the Issue Tracker … Read more