Using Notes

Add a Note

  1. Click on the desired notebook where you want to create the notes. Click New Note or click on the icon on the right side of the screen.

  2. Enter the title and type your notes in the Note box and click Spell Check to identify and correct any spelling errors.
  3. If you are creating a personal note, click the Private checkbox. In the Note List, a lock icon is displayed beside the note, indicating that it is personal.

  4. To add Attachments, click on the Select button and choose the file from the desired location. You can also drag and drop a file in the box from your windows explorer.
  5. There are two options while saving. Click Save to save the note in the Note List as a simple note, or click Save as template to save the note as a template which can be used again in future.

Modify Notes

  • To edit a note, click on the icon. Make the required changes and click Save.

  • To delete a note, click on the icon. If you want to delete, click OK, or to exit, click Cancel.

Search Notes

  • To search a note, type a word or phrase related to the note and click the icon.

    notes search

  • When the search results are displayed, you find the note in the Note List.


The history button on the top right of the main screen helps to keep track of what your team is working at many levels.

notes history

When you click on the History button on the list screen or inside a note, you will be able to see the changes made to a notebook or notes.

To learn more details about the history button, click here.