How to use CRM Filters?

using filters for contacts

Reading Time: 7 minutes CRM filters cut through the clutter in your CRM, letting you focus on what matters most. This saves time, improves targeting for sales and marketing, and helps you deliver better customer service.  OfficeClip CRM filters … Read more

9 ways to grow your business using a CRM software

what is crm

Reading Time: 7 minutes As the saying goes, Instead of focusing on the competition, focus on the customer. This quote is valid for any business, especially in today’s competitive landscape. Customer experience is no longer a differentiator; it’s the … Read more

10 CRM Trends for 2024

Reading Time: 9 minutes Customer Relationship Management(CRM) is more about managing and improving customer relationships. CRM system is a technology that will help you deliver experiences and give your business an edge over competitors. It is essential to learn … Read more

Streamline your Recruitment process with CRM Software

recruitment process

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is Recruitment CRM? In the ever-changing world of recruitment, a strong talent management system is crucial for finding and keeping top talent. A Recruitment CRM system emerges as a powerful tool to effectively manage … Read more

The Best Free CRM for Nonprofits

nonprofit organization

Reading Time: 8 minutes What is a nonprofit organization?  A Nonprofit organization is a legal entity organized and operated for social purposes rather than profit. They include a wide range of organizations, such as churches, hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, … Read more

How to Customize OfficeClip CRM fields

Reading Time: 3 minutes     Every business has different needs when it comes to tracking contacts, customers, opportunities, campaigns, etc. OfficeClip Contact Manager and CRM allow you to customize these entities in various ways. Following are few of … Read more

CRM Workflow and Drip Marketing…

Reading Time: < 1 minute OfficeClip version 10.1 includes a CRM workflow module that was requested by our customers. Drip marketing allows pre-created messages to be sent to prospects and customers at regular intervals. OfficeCip Workflow adds the ability to … Read more

How to Track Relationships in CRM

Reading Time: < 1 minute In most CRM you can relate Contacts with other entities like Accounts or Opportunities. What if you wanted to relate a contact with another instance of contact? Why this is important?  These kinds of relationships … Read more