How to use CRM Filters?

using filters for contacts

Reading Time: 7 minutes CRM filters cut through the clutter in your CRM, letting you focus on what matters most. This saves time, improves targeting for sales and marketing, and helps you deliver better customer service.  OfficeClip CRM filters … Read more

Data Security at OfficeClip: A Comprehensive Overview


Reading Time: 3 minutes OfficeClip implements a comprehensive range of security measures to safeguard our users’ data. It includes: General Security for both Hosted and Installed Version: SSL security: All data in transit uses SSL (https) framework to encrypt … Read more

Setup App Password for

Reading Time: 2 minutes Login to your account and click on your name icon (top right) and then click on My Microsoft Account. Click on the Security option. Click on the Security dashboard. Click on Advanced security options. … Read more

How to Setup App Password for Yahoo! Mail

Reading Time: < 1 minute Sign in to your Yahoo Account Security page. Click on the Account Security. Click on Generate and Manage App Password. Enter your App Name in the text field. Click Generate Password. Follow instruction to create … Read more

Working with the new task manager

task management

Reading Time: 2 minutes The task application can create tasks for customer projects and connect them to other entities like contacts, accounts,  issue tracker, etc. The updated application allows you to make your workflow even effortless. In addition to … Read more