Managing Relations for Contacts

Contact Manager provides the ability to create arbitrary relationships between various entities in OfficeClip.

For example:

  • For Real Estate Transactions, a Broker can be a relationship between two Contacts.

  • An Account can be a Partner of another Account.

  • A Contact can be a Coordinator for an Opportunity.

To create relationships in Contact Manager between the Contact Manager (Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities and Campaigns modules, first we need to Add new relation. To do so:

  1. Click CRM > Contacts > Admin > Relations.

  2. Click on Add Relations.

  3. Enter the Name, and click on the icon to save the relation.
  4. To Edit the relation click on the icon and to Delete the relation click on the icon.

Add New Relationship

To add new relationship to a contact:

  1. On the Contact Screen, click on the Contact detail icon for the Contact for which you want to create a relationship.

  2. On the contact summary screen, click New Relationship.

  3. Choose the Relation from the drop-down list and select the Second Participant from the drop-down list.

  4. From the contact list dropdown, choose the contact for which you want to create a relationship.

  5. Click on the icon to view details of contact or account selected.
  6. Click Save.
  7. On the contact summary screen of the contact, you can see the relationship created.