Defining Rules for Timesheet

Rules can be defined to regulate the entries and approvals of timesheets. Rules are created as a set of predefined conditions and actions. Based on the condition, an error message or a warning is displayed by the action.

The following conditions are defined in the Timesheet application.

  • Check the Total Hours of the Timesheet

  • Check the Total Hours worked in a Day

  • Check if one of the columns is left Empty

  • Check if a Negative Time is entered on the Timesheet

To define rules:

  1. Click HRM > Timesheet > Admin > Rules.

  2. The screen displays the existing rules. Click Add Rule to add new rules.

  3. The rule creation process follows a three-step procedure:
  4. Set Condition: Add by selecting one of the predefined conditions and click Add Condition.

    timesheet rules conditions

  5. After entering the condition, click Next.

  6. Set Actions: Select an action and click Add Action.

  7. Current Actions: Enter the message or warning displayed to the user and click Next.
  8. Confirm Rule: Give the rule a name, enable it and click Finish.

Editing rules

  • In the Timesheet Rules display page you can see the list of rules entered for your organization:

    timesheet edit rules

  • Click on the icon to edit the rule.

  • Click on the icon to delete rules.

Click Next to go to the next Admin.

To go back to the Timesheet list screen, click on the icon.