How to short circuit the officeclip login page

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Some of our users have asked us to create a way so that they can put the officeclip login page on their website. Due to security reasons, so far we have restricted people to login from the OfficeClip website.

We have now added a small program (starting version 9.3.10) that will do the following:

1. Allow administrators to add login html code snippet to their website and submit directly to OfficeClip

2. Automatically send the login and password information using http form post to enter into OfficeClip

Please note that use of https or an interanet implementation of OfficeClip is suggested while using these modes:

Use the following html input fields:

  • shortLogin: contains the login email address
  • shortPassword: contains the user password
  • Http post these information to https://<your-officeclip-application>/ShortCircuit.aspx (if you are using hosted version, it will be
If everything goes alright, it will log you in to OfficeClip, if not you will get a message saying Login Incorrect.