Search Contacts

The Contact Manager software allows you to easily find a contact from a database using the Search option. Contacts can be searched using various fields like tags, city, country, first name, email, currency type, etc. This feature enables the user to find information quickly from the contacts list.

Online Contact Manager enables quick Search

Figure: Quick search in OfficeClip contact management software

Filter Contacts

If the search is complex and if a particular set of contacts are to be searched for a certain criteria then filters can be created. Filters help you to create a custom view to focus more on the information which you are interested in. For example,you can create a filter for all the contacts in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, with tag timesheet, created date last year.

Creating new filter

Figure: New Filter screen for customized search

Filters can be saved for future use. Various new filters can be created, and filters can also be edited and deleted if not required. Filters in OfficeClip tries to fulfill all the necessary conditions and covers all the criteria like created date, user, modified date, owner, country, company name, etc.

To learn more about Complex filters click here.


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