OfficeClip Upgraded to 10.4.2

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We have fixed few more issues and released version 10.4.2. Here are the release notes:

  1. Bug Fix: CRM: In contact >> view contact >> after adding a document goto history and download a file , busybox appears on the screen. BS1350(10.X)
  2. Bug Fix: CRM: In contacts >> call List : When choose add note it was asking for note book which should not be hapening BS1349(10.X)
  3. Bug Fix: CRM: Accounts – View – New Drop Down tool – Document now shows all the docs in pop up IK1345(10.X)
  4. Bug Fix: CRM: Contact – Email Child – There is now back button when clicked to New Account IK1337(10.X)
  5. Bug Fix: CRM: Contact Manager: Clicking on Alternate email address brings incorrectly populated screen PR0953(Support Tickets)
  6. Bug Fix: CRM: User was unable to save contacts under certain circumstances SD1381(10.X)
  7. Bug Fix: Invoice: List Screen >> paging was not working (always showing the first page)
  8. Bug Fix: Invoice: Send Note: When user clicks on the link it is giving a server error DK1378(10.X)
  9. Bug Fix: Issue Tracker: View issue>share >email – more than 2 email addresses if entered was giving an error DK1346(10.X)
  10. Bug Fix: Settings: Entire site > login screen – when we click on official website the cursor keeps on rolling DK1383(10.X)
  11. Bug Fix: Timeoff: Hourly Timeoff request is now working IK1364 (10.X)
  12. Bug Fix: Timesheet: History – Total no. of hrs if in minutes it is miscalculated in history than the actual time K1355(10.X)
  13. Bug Fix: Timesheet: List Screen history is now working SD1351(10.X)
  14. Bug Fix: Timesheet: Cannot restrict billable to a particular value… OM0955(Support Tickets)
For a detailed release notes Click Here.