Advanced Features
This chapter discusses some of the advanced features that are available in
some of the
Bug and Issue Tracking Software.
Sometimes a user or an administrator needs to be notified if certain events
occur in a
Web Bug Tracker.
The ability to handle rules may be important for notification of these events or if an issue
reaches a critical state. Some of the things to consider in this area are:
Can more than one rule be created? For example, you may want to send an email
to the COO if there is a high priority issue, and want to send an email to the
manager whenever a new issue is entered.
How configurable are the rules? Rules are usually specified as an "if
condition" and a "then condition." For example, a rule could be
"if an Issue is assigned to somebody, then send an email to that
Evaluators should consider many such scenarios and see if the system can
specify rules to satisfy this conditions.
Extranet Input form
Companies may want to empower their clients and partners to enter issues over
the web. These users may not be the real licensee of the
Issue Tracking Software,
and they may not have access to all the advanced features. Some of the things to consider here
Can a web-based form be created that will allow company customers to enter
issues without having to buy a license for each such user?
Can the system hide specific fields from the customers when they enter
information via web-form?
- Can this web-form be branded with the company logo and theme?
Is there any way that the customer who enters the issues on web-form can check
the status of the issues they entered at a later time?
Is there any simple user-interface in the system to create such a
Publishing Knowledge Base or FAQ
Issues entered over a period can be used as an educational tool for
the employees and customers alike. For example, a company can publish the possible
defects and solutions on parts and have the mechanics look at it on a searchable
knowledge base to solve similar problems. Some of the points to consider selecting
Issue Tracking Software
here are:
- Can the system output select issues to create a knowledge base?
Can these issues be categorized so that the user can search by category and
- Can full-text search be performed on the issues in the knowledge base?
Can some fields be hidden in the knowledge base? For example, a company may
not want to show the cost of a part of its knowledge base.