Why is Electronic Document Management System important?

What and Why of Document Management System

Reading Time: 4 minutes Today businesses have to deal with extensive usage of documents on a day-to-day basis.  These documents can be related to contracts, invoices, proposals, documentation, company guidelines, and the list is endless. The functioning of every … Read more

Managing Work from Home during lockdown

Reading Time: 8 minutes With the Coronavirus outbreak mostly all the organizations have asked their employees to work from home. Work from home can be highly productive but it can also go wrong. Without the proper work environment and … Read more

How To Select a Contact Manager For Small Business

contact information

Reading Time: 7 minutes A Contact Manager is a software program that enables businesses to store and fetch information related to their customers, suppliers, channel partners, and vendors.  Previously, without any technology, businesses could not store all the detailed … Read more

Permission-based Email Marketing


Reading Time: 3 minutes What is Permission-based email marketing? It means getting permission before adding contacts to an email list. It is the act of getting consent from a subscriber to send them email marketing campaigns. Businesses that get … Read more

How to Improve Customer Retention

Reading Time: 2 minutes What is Customer Retention? Customer Retention is the ability of an organization or business to retain customers by providing them good services, managing the quality of the products sold, and quickly satisfy customer issues. Company … Read more

OfficeClip is now free on private cloud

Reading Time: < 1 minute OfficeClip has now made its small business application free to run on private clouds like amazon aws or hyper-v in organizations. Previously the  software was free for upto 10 users. With this release it has … Read more

Thoughts on making web application HIPAA Compliant

Reading Time: 5 minutes If you are a web application developer or provisioning an application for health care, this article will provide some information on what you should be focus to be compliance with the current healthcare regulations. In … Read more

OfficeClip New Release 10.4.17

Reading Time: 2 minutes We have a new version of OfficeClip for you. It combines two previous versions. Here are the release notes: [more] 10.4.17 – Jun 21 2016 Bug Fix: Emails: Not downloading in the background SD1476(10.x Release) … Read more

OfficeClip Upgraded to 10.4.2

Reading Time: < 1 minute We have fixed few more issues and released version 10.4.2. Here are the release notes: Bug Fix: CRM: In contact >> view contact >> after adding a document goto history and download a file , … Read more

New! OfficeClip Release 10.4

Reading Time: 2 minutes This is a major release after about 5 months. We fixed more than 150 issues and made lots of enhancements to OfficeClip. This article discusses the enhancements we made in various applications of OfficeClip: [more] … Read more

OfficeClip New Release 10.3.49

Reading Time: < 1 minute We have finally released the new version 10.3.49! Thank you for your patience. Following are a partial list of things done in this release: CRM – Redesigned Google Sync with new API CRM – Tags … Read more